See more Beautiful Cut stories at: Unlock the entire Walker Advantage at: See how much time and money you could save by switching to a Walker Mower: Try a Walker yourself! Knowing that you got a lawnmower, that if you like, comes to the party and gives you the level of finish that is what we're trying to achieve. We are just a farmhouse and we are in the country. We want a relaxed feel here. We want things to be just nice but not manicured, very, very unpretentious. We just wanted it to feel comfortable. It is our home and we want people to feel comfortable here. We do have reasonably high standards when it comes to how it all looks. And it would be fair to say that the fact that you can mow the lawn with a lawnmower such as the Walker and know you're going to get that result, it makes a huge difference to the way in which we live. I'm Johnny Campbell, my wife Pauline and we've been here for, well, I've been here virtually all my life. I'm having family connections all the way through from 1864, I think. This was, Horonui was actually a back paddock. And then my grandfather moved here in 1900, actually before 1900, but he built the original house in about 1900. And so we've been here since then. Your great-grandfather, when he started, it was 25,000 acres. And then Horonui was 9,000 acres, which was then divided into four between the four children. And then your father, being the eldest son, inherited the home block and the original homestead. And that's how we came to be here. We farmed about 1,700 acres for most of our married life. And as Johnny said, we have sold the pastoral part and retained 50 acres now, which is the house and the garden, and a little bit of land, a few sheep, a few cattle, two donkeys, one swan, that's about, isn't it? Yeah, quite a few quail. Yes, Quail. Where do we start? Yes, it did, it burnt down. Well and truly nothing virtually. And it took us a year to plan, and then a year to build to get what we have today. The experience is not to be recommended, losing your house to fire. But as Johnny said, once we got over it and began to rebuild we knew that if we had to rebuild we might as well enjoy it and make the most of the opportunity. Pauline is very much the designer of the effect, I suppose. And I love machinery. I love sculpting the land I suppose whether it be digging a ditch or flattening a butt out, or whatever it might be. But that was really my part of it I suppose. And so between us, between the two of us, we got quite a happy result. We invested a lot in this new garden. And none of that was going effective unless we had beautiful lawns. And that was very much Johnny's thing, and you got your lawns. It took us a while too, to decide which way that we were going to mow them, didn't it? We? No, that was very much you. There was the feeling that stripes definitely had to go down the front, right down the front. So the quality of the lawns was important, otherwise the investment was really going to be lost in terms of effect. There's not one piece of this garden that I can't mow with the Walker. There were so many places that have got, places that they can drive there whatever, their mower whatever it be, and they have to get a little mower just to do the little bits and pieces. None of that with all of this, it's all done with the Walker. As far as it goes, I mean that machine is amazing. It will virtually turn on a six-pence, as you know. And it has to here, none of the lawn is actually, or very few of the lawns, are actually flat. And when you get out and mow them, you actually see it moving all the time, which actually, yeah, it's probably quite normal I suppose. It's not dead flat or dead slopping, it's and even slope, it's certainly undulating a lot, and as you move around you certainly notice more when you're on the machine than off it. If the Walker is away to be serviced and something's happening, I say Johnny, just used the John Deere. No. He won't. He absolutely won't. He'll do anything to avoid using any other mower, so I actually think that probably says it all. We effectively have retired to a very, very small unit, so it's now time to enjoy it I suppose. And I do enjoy mowing the lawns. Because we are irrigated I'm mowing about every three to four days in the summertime, and it takes about four hours I suppose to cover the whole lot, which is pretty quick when it's about two hectors long. And I find it just a really rewarding time to be able to sit there with my headphones on, put on music, and it's brilliant, it's brilliant. I just love mowing the lawns. I better not tell Pauline that. It's quite obvious. It's quite obvious. So it's a good place to think actually. You can think about what you're going to do, or what you haven't done, or all those sort of things. Yeah.

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